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Article: Alternatives to Ovarian Cyst Surgery: My Personal Healing Story

Alternatives to Ovarian Cyst Surgery: My Personal Healing Story
castor oil pack

Alternatives to Ovarian Cyst Surgery: My Personal Healing Story

There is a ton of information on social media and the internet about how an ovarian cyst is formed and the process of getting it surgically removed but very little information on how to heal it naturally. 


Unfortunately, doctors don't and won't tell you there are other alternatives to reducing the size of cysts that you can try, prior to submitting your body to surgery. 


Instead, they jump straight to "if this cyst doesn't reduce in size within one month, we're going to have to operate." Leaving you feeling helpless, hopeless and at the mercy of their prognosis. Luckily, there is another way!


The truth is, there is so much you can do and try before it comes down to a surgeon cutting into your body. As you may already know or have heard from many experts in energy medicine, otherwise known as energy healing, you have the power to heal your own body, we all do. 


In November 2019, I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst on my right ovary. It had ruptured, and after about 30 minutes of extreme pain followed by two days of swelling from my lower abdomen up to my stomach to the point where I could barely move, I decided to go to the emergency room. 


At this point, I had no idea what was wrong, and I thought the pain and swelling were caused by something I had eaten. After 8 hours in the ER, I was told I had a cyst and that if it did not reduce in size within 30 days, they would need to operate. 


Instantly I knew this was not an option for me, and I did not want to operate and decided to seek alternative methods. 


Surgery can be a lifesaver, and I would never turn it down under urgent conditions, but this was not one of those times. I instinctively knew I could do so much more before resorting to surgery...I at least needed to try.


I quickly researched on google and came across castor oil, which is known to reduce the size of cysts. The next day I started doing castor oil packs daily, and when I returned to the doctor, the cyst was completely gone. 


Now, this is very important, I want to mention that I do not give 100% credit to castor oil in reducing the size of the cysts. There is no one cure-all solution, and it must be accessed from a whole-body perspective to tackle the dis-ease: mind, body, and energy. 


I believe castor oil helped reduce the cysts' size and everything else I'm about to mention, kept it from coming back. 


So what did I do, exactly? As I mentioned, I used castor oil packs for about 1 hour daily. 


I also did all of the following:


  • I cut out all non-organic and processed foods, nothing packaged!
  • I threw out all plastics, hair, skin, and cleaning products with chemicals and now only use "clean" products on my body and inside my home. 


Did you know that estrogen dominance is a cause of ovarian cysts? 


Estrogen dominance occurs when the body produces excess estrogen. The chemicals in our cookware, plastic containers, beauty, and cleaning products carry xeno-estrogens, which imitate estrogen in the body.


Hence, having an excess of estrogen can lead to reproductive conditions such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, fibroids, fertility issues, and much more!  


Now, your mind, must also be onboard! If you do not believe you can heal, or choose to give your power away to others, outside of yourself, such as what you hear on the internet, or doctors, chances are you will remain in your current situation. 



It takes courage and a deep knowing and understanding that we are powerful beings, and have what it takes (within us) to heal our own bodies. 


If you are not in touch with this knowing and have not yet cultivated a daily ritual for checking in, I first recommend you begin with REconnecting to your self. 


Taking time out each day, maybe starting with 10 minutes and increasing from there as your schedule allows. Ideally, you want to spend anywhere from 30-60 minutes in a self aware state, without any interruptions.


This will help to deepen your connection to your self and begin to listen to your body, intuition and divine messages from your guides/ universe/ God etc. 


Now, let's move on to the most important (in my opinion), energy, or emotions. Above, I mentioned what I did for my mind and body, to completely clear the cyst. Below I go into detail on how I cleared it energetically, to keep it from coming back.


This aspect of healing, seems to go unnoticed, not because it's less important, but rather because, it is the most difficult to face. It can be extremely emotionally painful to go back to deeply scarring memories. However, it is the most rewarding. 


You see, when you do the inner work, everything changes. Your body, heart, mind, soul. Everything in your life elevates, expands, and improves significantly. 


Everything I did, contributed to healing the cyst. However, I do feel that if I had not acknowledged my emotional (energy) body, the cyst would have eventually resurfaced. 


You have probably noticed that your body will begin to manifest physical symptoms when something mentally or emotionally is troubling you, such as a cold, muscle tension, pain in the body, joint pain, digestion issues, etc. 


The cyst was trying to communicate an important message to me. It was there for a reason, and there is always a reason or a message behind every physical manifestation. 

Here is one of my favorite energy healing technique, that I used to completely eradicate the cyst from ever returning...

  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique): Since I was already familiar with EFT Tapping, I knew this would be an excellent tool for accessing my subconscious mind and understanding what my ovary was trying to communicate. 


You can try many energy healing modalities out there, here are just a few great options for self-discovery and self-healing: 


- Emotion Code

- Breathwork

- Journaling

- Ecstatic Dance

- Art therapy

- Meditation

- Being out in nature (Forest Bathing)


The most important thing to keep in mind, above all, is to feel. It's not easy to go into that space, as it can be extremely painful, but it is the only way to deep, long lasting healing.

I wish you a deep healing journey.

With love,



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